Find Your Voice, Be Yourself

Break free from societal expectations, discover your passions, and embrace your unique voice

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A single voice can change the world. But first, you need to find yours.

In today's world, bombarded with external pressures and societal expectations, it's easy to lose sight of ourselves. We often rely on external validation or follow pre-defined paths, assuming it's the only way to contribute to change.

But what if the key to creating a more equitable world lies not just in outward action, but also in deepening our understanding of who we truly are?

Was this yours, or societies decision to be here right now?

Oftentimes, we pursue careers or life choices based on societal expectations or parental pressures. Not because it’s what we truly want, but because it’s seen as the ‘right’ path

Society tells us that we need to go to university, get a 2:1, get married, have 2 children, move to the suburbs and then it’s plain sailing from then.

That if we follow this predetermined path, it’s a smooth journey to success.

Most of us now know that life just isn’t that easy.

And if that’s the case, why do we blindly follow what we’re told? Have you ever asked yourself:

  • Why am I working in this job? Does it fulfil my needs and desires, or am I simply going through the motions because it's "safe" or expected?

  • Why do I spend my free time doing these things? Do they truly recharge me and allow me to express myself authentically, or am I simply following routines out of habit or a need to please others? Could I be using this time to explore new interests and passions?

  • Why did I make that significant financial decision? (e.g., buying a house, car, etc.) Was it based on genuine needs, careful planning, and long-term goals, or was it fuelled by impulsive desires, external pressures, or societal expectations of what "success" looks like? Could I have made a different choice that would have aligned better with my financial well-being and personal values?

Chasing External Validation

We live in a world saturated with curated perfection. Scrolling through endless feeds, we're bombarded with images of seemingly flawless lives – perfect holidays, dream jobs, and picture-perfect relationships. Society tells us to chase the "likes" and "followers," painting a picture of success as a collection of online validation and public approval.

But have you ever stopped to ask yourself:

Why do I crave external validation from strangers online?

Is it fuelling my true passions, or simply shaping my life to fit someone else's definition of "winning"?

Could I be channeling this energy into something more meaningful and fulfilling?

Chasing external validation is a recipe for emptiness. It leads us down a path of comparison and self-doubt, constantly seeking approval from a faceless audience. This relentless pursuit distracts us from discovering our authentic selves and pursuing goals that truly resonate with our values and aspirations.

Finding Your Voice

Arike Oke, an archivist we interviewed for our 1000 Voices podcast. Growing up, her exposure to history largely excluded the contributions of Black British activists. This lack of self-reflection, limited not by choice but by the education system at the time, hindered her understanding of her own identity and connection to the broader struggle for racial justice.

Arike's story is a powerful reminder that self-discovery is not just a personal journey, it's crucial for meaningful social change.

Growing up I thought I wanted to be a doctor. Somewhat fuelled by my desire to do good, but definitely influenced by my parental and societal pressures. I didn’t truly know what I was passionate about and who I was to my core, until I went on a journey of self-discovery.

Have you ever asked yourself:

  • What experiences made me who I am?

  • What truly matters to me?

  • What skills can I use to make a difference?

  • What stories shaped my view of the world?

By asking these questions, we start a journey to becoming powerful changemakers. It's not about reaching a finish line, but embracing the exploration. Let it guide you to a life filled with meaning, connection, and the power to truly impact the world.

What does this mean for you?

Knowing yourself and finding your voice isn’t an end point - it’s a continual journey that nobody outside of yourself has the answer to.

Change starts from within. In learning about yourself, you unlock the power to become a changemaker driven by purpose, not external validation. You unlock the power in your voice, driven by your truth.

Here is how you can find your voice:

  • Reflect on your values, passions, and experiences. What makes you happy? Sad? Angry? What experiences move you to the core

  • Explore topics outside of your comfort zone

  • Connect with individuals who share your values and aspirations. Join online communities, attend workshops, or find a local group dedicated to your passion

That’s it for today.

See you next week.

We talked about discovering your unique voice and embracing the power of self-discovery. But what happens when we encounter setbacks and failures on this journey?

In this week's episode of the 1000 Voices podcast, we delve into the world of "My Perfect Failure" with Paul Padmore, who has interviewed 300 individuals about their experiences with failure. Paul shares inspiring stories and powerful insights on how these "failures" can be transformative gateways to a brighter future.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to:

  • Understand the power of resilience in the face of adversity.

  • Learn how to find growth and opportunity from your setbacks.

  • Redefine success on your own terms and embrace the journey of self-discovery.

Take a listen on YouTube, Apple Podcasts or Spotify and let us know what you think!